Building A Circular Economy in The Bahamas, One Glass At A Time

Our Mission

To produce quality, modish upcycled products from waste glass while simultaneously encouraging local recycling towards a more sustainable Bahamas. 

Drink Sustainably

To drink sustainably means to:

·       Recycle your empty glass bottle by placing it in one of our recycle bins;

·       Lobby your favourite watering hole to recycle their empty bottles;

·       Enjoy your drink from one of our stylish, ecodesign glasses.


Why Recycle Glass?

Glass is one of the most recyclable materials in the world. Trashing perfectly good glass for transport to the landfill wastes all the material, energy, and labor that went into making the glass.


Let’s look at some numbers which show why what we do is so important:

1 million years - According to Earth 911, this is how long it takes for glass to biodegrade. Introducing a safe and standardized system of glass recycling will make a significant impact on the landfill levels.


1.3 million - This is the number of tourists that visited only New Providence in 2019. As a result of our small population it is tempting to believe that the issue of recycling, or should we say lack of recycling, is not a big one.  But given these numbers The Bahamas has a population equal to the country that has the second highest rate of municipal waste levels per capita in the EU. There are many scenes one may witness at the local airports, but a visitor carrying their waste back with them is not one of them.

300 acres of land on a 21 x 7-mile island -The issue of landfill space, particularly on a small island like New Providence, is an urgent one.  Recycling glass reduces the space in landfills that would otherwise be taken up by glass bottles and jars.